Take your Fundraising to the Next Level!
Schools, groups, and departments – just like yours, are earning 30% more profit on donation and product fundraising!

“Amazing how much profit our groups got with Premium”
Schools and departments feel the excitement as soon as they start using InstaRaise Premium. After an easy set-up, all groups involved are able to handle all of their fundraising through one platform, helping their students raise much more than they ever dreamed was possible and profiting more than ever before.

Unlimited Access
Get unlimited access to our platform offering dynamic donation fundraising and the industry’s most popular school fundraising products

Capped Fees for Big Profits
For one low capped fee, InstaRaise Premium offers 100% profit on donation fundraising and 25% more profit on product fundraising.

We’ve got you Covered!
Use InstaRaise to do all your fundraising throughout the year with all the groups in your school or department – no limits!

Care and Support
Receive ongoing support from professional fundraising reps to help you set-up and maximize the profits of all your fundraisers

One Platform One Vendor
All students in your school register one time and use the same platform for all their fundraising until they graduate.
One rep and support team handling all fundraiser setup and support.
One company providing all products and handling all profit payments and customer support for buyers, donors and sponsors.
Choose the InstaRaise Premium Plan that Caters to your Needs
The Premium Calculator
Use our calculator to see how groups and schools just like yours are increasing their profit up to 50% or more.